The true spirit of the Co-op Advantage® is driven by one word: cooperation. By definition, cooperation is “the process of working together to the same end.” For the Co-op Advantage, that “end” involves satisfaction and return for all grower-owners. The Co-op Advantage is extremely proud to have sponsors who exemplify that mentality through their business models and missions. This week’s post highlights Producers Cooperative Oil Mill (PCOM).
A History of Excellence
Established on June 20, 1944, through the visionary efforts of 14 cooperative gins and three regional cooperatives, Producers Cooperative Oil Mill began its journey to an innovative and successful future in the cottonseed processing industry. With trade territory in Southwest Oklahoma and Northern Texas, PCOM has improved the efficiency and productivity of cotton operations in this part of the country.
Upholding Cooperative Values
PCOM looks forward to the future with confidence, and dedicates its efforts to the best interests of the co-op gins and their cotton procedures. By offering open and voluntary membership and allowing member-controlled decisions, PCOM values the input of its members. The organization also prides itself in the autonomy and independence it provides members. Through education, economic partnership, and a general concern for the co-op gins as a community, PCOM has evolved into an environment that nurtures and supports its members.
Austin Rose, President and CEO of PCOM is proud of the effort that goes into the improvement of the co-op as a whole, and is confident in the benefits it provides to both its members and the cotton industry itself.
“Our Board of Directors and employees have devoted considerable time and effort to enhance the operations of PCOM and the result will be an even stronger cooperative serving an increased number of producers in our area. Additional to growth in our business, there will also be an increased investment in the communities that surround the area that we service.
Today, as we approach our 75th anniversary as a cooperative, PCOM is pleased to share its success story and be able to recognize the cooperative gins that have helped make it possible. There continues to be investment both in time and money to help maintain and plan for the future of our organization and we will work hard for the continued success of this cooperative.”