Just as every nurturing parent enters September with yet another year of watching their children return to school – the “waiting season” begins in hopes their children will flourish.
The nurturers of those along the cotton supply chain in September are much the same. They’ve spent the long season planting with care, and with much dedication, discipline, protection, feeding and non-stop attention – they now hit the “waiting season”. A time in which there’s much “wait and see” what Mother Nature will now bring to harvest.
In a sense, there’s now an “empty-nest” of sorts. Warehouses are empty. The 2016 crop is all but sold out. Textile mills around the world are waiting … waiting. Pressure is on the 2017-18 cotton producers all along the supply chain to provide a hearty yield.
But in many respects, September is a waiting game for all. Has the work paid off? Has Mother Nature helped or hindered? Predictions abound – and this year has potential.
Yet no one knows for sure until harvest ends.
So what to do with this time? For many grower-owners and The Co-op Advantage® regional sponsors, it’s the time they give back to their communities. Sports scholarships are set up, fundraisers are hosted for area schools’ stock shows, booster clubs, local FFA chapters; and volunteer time is given to everything from city labor assistance to local fire departments.
There’s never a dull day in the farming world; but as things slow a bit this month, join The Co-op Advantage.
With all the unpredictables in the farming world – being part of a co-op has its advantages. We discuss them every month in multiple blogs, but No. 1 is assisting you with your bottom line.
Like the parents who hold their breath as each child leaves home hoping they’ll spread their wings and fly; grower-owners spend every September waiting for crops to mature.
It truly is a waiting season. But as part of The Co-op Advantage, and the power in numbers, grower-owners wait together – united for whatever comes their way.
Please share your stories with us. As we continue this campaign – we’re here not only to inform, but also to listen to you.
That’s The Co-op Advantage®.