Grower-owners across the supply chain know the benefit of co-ops working for you. From the first-time co-op member to the generations-long grower-owner, he or she will most likely understand the importance of strength in numbers, a united voice, real ownership, sustainability in good and bad years, the list goes on.
Ultimately, it’s about trust in the cooperative system. Co-op Advantage®️ regional co-sponsor Farmers Cooperative Compress takes grower-owners’ trust very seriously.
“In 1948, FCC was formed with producers’ best interest in mind,” said FCC President and CEO Ron Harkey. “Since our beginning, we’re always working for our grower-owners to provide the timeliest service.”
As the world’s largest cotton warehousing facility, and crossing the $1billion mark less than two years ago in total dividends paid to members, FCC has earned their mark not only in the nation, but around the globe.
“It’s the trust, investment and collaboration from grower-owners that allows us to continue our growth,” said Eric Wanjura, FCC Vice President of Administration. “Investment from our grower-owners allows us to be more profitable for them, and ultimately add more to their bottom lines in the long run.”
Wanjura said trust is the greatest compliment, and it has obviously been given by FCC grower-owners as FCC-High Plains Division works to meet completion for this year’s harvest season.
“There’s a need to have warehouses to meet the demand of cotton grown in the Northern Texas Panhandle,” Wanjura said. “It was the collective voices of our grower-owners who asked that we construct the facilities to meet those needs for that area. We’re fully on track to be ready this year.”
For FCC, it’s the timeliness of their business that translates into trust.
“Our grower-owners depend on us to be timely,” Wanjura said. “We’re keenly focused on utilizing all warehouses, machinery and people so there are no bottlenecks at any gins. That, in turn, allows us to deliver quicker – both domestically and abroad.”
Grower-owners depend on FCC to provide that timely service so their cotton is delivered at a maximum value.
“Producers have worked so hard to bring their cotton to fruition,” Wanjura said. “When their cotton arrives at FCC, they shouldn’t have to worry any more. Now it’s our turn to take care of them.”
Looking ahead, Harkey said he predicts a good season.
“We had a great December with wet snow that has improved our soil moisture profile,” he said. “We need to add more rain to the soil this spring, but based on predictions of El Niño, we’re looking to be in good or better shape than other years.”
Either way, and whatever the weather brings, FCC will continue working for their more than 9,100 members and counting.
“That’s the reason we are here,” Harkey said, “for our grower-owners.”
That is The Co-op Advantage.